Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Music in my life and the lives of others.

As many of my family and friends know, I am a music education major. Music is my saving grace. From a young age I have played and Loved music. With many teachers along the way there are only 3 who stand out in my success. My piano teacher who kept me going and helped me overcome my fears of failure, my voice teacher who is an amazing woman. And then comes the lady who influenced me so much that I wanted to become like her. Mrs. Gruesnmeyer. She is a strong, stubborn woman who everyone loved and respected. I feel that that is the best thing to have, Respect. She pushed me, made me sing solos in front of the entire choir when I was scared, made me sing in front of hundreds of people. She made me who I am today.

On Friday the 12th, this strong woman suffered a brain aneurysm. Like I said, she is stubborn and is a fighter! She made it through surgery, and is breathing on her own. I can say that this woman is not only a blessing from God but a Saint. She fought for music in our schools and won. She helped fight for other student groups. She has been one of the best parts of my life. And I must say that she made high school so much more enjoyable for me than it would have been without Music. She has been a big supporter in my college career. She will check up on me and ask me how I am doing in my tough classes. (*cough* music theory* cough*)

This brings me to part two.

There is a project if you want to call it in Venezuela called "el sistema". This is a program that takes poor children and teaches them to play different instruments. They go to the poorest communities and rescue, in a sense, these children from the streets. They supply the instruments like violins, basses, trumpets, etc. It gives them a place to escape from the world and to enjoy music and their lives. It is such a great program and it has helped many like Gustavo Dudamel. He is a child prodigy and we are so lucky to know who he is. This program helped him escape. How then in a country who supposedly is "not as rich as the US" can there be such rich music? We have taken music for granted here in the US. Venezuela can fund a program that hand out expensive instruments to the poorest kids in town, but we cannot even keep a music program alive in schools? What is that all about? Music helps so many people. How can we say that it cost so much money to fund these programs when they are handing out Basses? Do you know how much a Good Bass cost? In the thousands, google it!

My question to the Government is "Who do you think you are to say that music isn't good enough to stay in public schools?" Have You done studies, and research about this? No, you just think since it is not Math, Language Arts, Science, and history that you can just cut it. Well too bad for you it is ALL of those subjects. Students are not just learning about classical music or notes. There is math involved in the actual music score. Students are learning different languages in the songs they sing, the history of the pieces and the physical, scientific aspects of performing the music.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Men of the World.

Hello men of the world,

I am writing to you today to tell you that I am taking a so called sabbatical from men in general. I have been putting you before not only God but my studies and that has effected my education. I am putting you aside and if for some reason God sends "my one and only" to me during this time then I will be officially off. But for now, here is what I am doing. I will not notice you as I pass you on the sidewalk, or in the Dining hall. I will not stop my to say out loud that you are good looking or '' oh I want him!". I am going to focus on myself and rearrange my priorities to where I can become the best me that is possible. I hope you understand and will help me not notice you for this amount of time that has not been determined.

Thank you Men of the World.



This came idea came from a Kappa Delta sister of mine. She wrote a letter to the men of the world and I have to decided to take that idea and do the same. With the recent events of my dating life I have decided to step back from my obsession of men and focus on God, my studies, my family and friends, and myself. And I would love the support of you all especially those who know me best!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

WittFest 2009!

So this weekend was WITTFEST! It was one of the funnest times I have ever had! Friday: well I had class and then came Dionysus. I am leaving that at that! Then came Saturday and I had to work from 9 am to 2pm. And then I went to Nana's and gained my strength back and took a 4 hour nap. I had to sing at the Kuss auditorium and after that was over i went and picked up my friend for the HELLOGOODBYE concert!

We get to the concert and we pushed our way to the almost front of the stage! we waited for hellogoodbye. Turns out we saw them in Hollenbeck and we giggled! well they came on stage and didn't play my song until the end and i had to take my friend home. but we got to hear them play!.

when i got back i met roxie and lyns and mary at briens house and hung out with everyone there. the we decided to find where the band was and i siad we should go to the Beta house because that is the best possibility. Turns out THEY CAME!!!! I was so excieted they came to the beta house! then they danced with everyone and while i was doing the cupid shuffle the lead singer came up behind me and danced on me and butt humped me! Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! I had so much fun and I didn't drink! Then they left about 2:30 am and said they were going streaking so we went to see them. I was thinking of going but in my underwear. so i then decided on not going. I got to talk with the keyboarder!!! He is awesome!!!! we had sooooo much fun!!! I saw hellogoodbye NAKED! it was ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i had a blast! i will never forget that night!!!!! EPIC!

Friday, April 10, 2009

You know!

I am so buying FAst And Furious!!!!! Vin Desiel is... well you can fill in the blanks! I have seen the movie twice and I it was AWESOME!!! I love it! VINNY!!!

When I get married, I want a STRIPPER, and his name better be Vin Desiel! I don't care if he is in his 50's! I want him and you can add Paul Walker in the mix too! Just don't forget ok?

Um, i am watching a stand up comedian and she was talking about how people in LA dont eat and she said if God wanted us not to eat meat, he would have made cows faster! Love it!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


After all of the last blog, I found hope!

Driving home tonight I saw one of the most beautiful moons that I have seen, EVER. I actaully pulled my car over at the local farmers market parking lot and pulled out one of the many blankets that is in my car. I sat/stood and or leaned on the hood of my car. I wasn't able to spend as much time out there. I could have slept out there.

This moon reassured me and helped me realize everything was going to be ok. ok so i know that it wasn't the moon but it was God.

Um don't laugh at me because I have had to much of that lately. But I could have sworn that when I was chilling on the car, the face on the moon smirked at me. I was able to talk and just listen while I was out there. I really think the only words that I said was "are you laughing at me?" Though I was able to think! I have never been so clear minded at that point. I have decided that I am going to be there when I need to think or when I need to get away.

Never ever have I actually noticed how beautiful the place where I live is. I have noticed it sometimes but not like tonight. Tonight was so different. Even in the dark, it was so peaceful, beautiful, amazing, extravegant, humbling.

There was this one cloud out there tonight. It was like the layers of the clouds were just drifting up towards the sky effortlessly. Everyone sees clouds but not like this.

Live Love Laugh


I am and have been thinking and rearranging my priorities. Lately I feel like some things in my life are not going to be in my future. I have been feeling like the things that I thought I really wanted turned out to be things that I didn't need.
It seems like the things that I had been streching my hand and neck out for but these things keep on biting me. "never bite the hand... that looks dirty" but what about the one that doesn't and really is? (quote from a 6 yr)
Friends? If anyone knows the definition of true friends then will you please tell me? I know I screw up, because I am human. Everyone screws up, but really? is this high school?

Sorry, I needed to vent...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Vent 1

Ok so I know that I need to tell you all about my spring break and I will, but first this needs to be put out there.

I am so sick and tired of people who will knock you because you are doing the right thing.
One of my friends is trying to sober up for track. And even if it is just for track I still think it will catch and he will see that he doesn't need to be drunk all of the time or he doesn't need a drink everyday. Well he tells his friends that he has gone a week sober and is still going strong, well of course his dumbass friends are calling him a pussy and a quitter. I think that is so stupid.

This is what I think. If you are one of the those people who are doing stuff like this then listen up. You are the pussy because you don't seem to be strong enough to live life without a crutch. Obviously you need either alcohol or anything else to keep you going. If you do then I have no problem calling you the pussy.

Live Love Laugh